Tip #4 – Fail Fast!

Tip #4 of living the best years ahead of you…fail at many things and learn from each success at failing!
When I was young, whenever I failed at something, I was punished. I taught myself to not take risks. I taught myself to live the safe life.
I remember wanting to move to France in my twenties, but I could not find the courage.
I wanted to go to Alaska to teach and did not do it.
I talked myself into believing that I was bold. The truth is, I was a little bold. I did backpack through Europe on very little money.
The near misses on adventures are what I regret now.
My regrets do not mean that I am unhappy with my choices.
My regrets are now my guideposts to accept new bold endeavors that come my way. I want to fail fast. I want to fail forward. I want to dust off my ego and laugh at myself!
How about you?
What are you willing to fail at?
Always on your side,

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